Monumental meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Monumental
As noun : महत्वपूर्ण Ex:  The university's monumental neo-classical architecture उ:   कोयंबुत्तूर एक महत्वपूर्ण औद्योगिक शहर है।
महत्वान्वित Ex:  After these initial monumental flags were created महार्थ Ex:  Nuevo Laredo and Cancún were reported to have their own monumental flags. महाहु Ex:  This is four times the size of most other monumental flags.
As adjective : चिरस्मरणीय Ex:  it was positively monumental स्मरणार्थक Ex:  The city had a vast number of monumental structures like the Colosseum स्मारक चिह्न रूप Ex:  The monumental sculpture of Ancient Egypt is world-famous स्मारक चिह्न संबंधी Ex:  The Mesoamerican region produced more monumental sculpture स्मारकीय Ex:  The Teatro Amadeo Roldán which is located within a monumental modern building उ:   इसमें राजधानियों के उपयुक्त महत्वाकांक्षासूचक और स्मारकीय भवन बने।
Monumental ki paribhasha : raamaayan ke anusaar raaja ikshvaaku ke putr ka naama, jisane vishaal naam ki nagari sthaapit ki thi
Monumental synonyms
huge enormous fantastic enduring towering tremendous awesome great immense historic mammoth massive significant grand memorable gigantic vast unforgettable awe-inspiring classic immortal important lasting lofty majestic mighty mountainous outstanding prodigious stupendous
Monumental antonyms
miniature teeny tiny insignificant minor unimportant trivial little minute small common bad poor dwarfed short unimpressive unimposing
Usage of Monumental in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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