Moonlit meaning in hindi
As noun : अँजौरिया Ex:  It was during a moonlit night that Romeo proposed to Juliet.
अकल्का अमृततरंगिणी उजयरिया कामवल्लभा कुमुदकला चंदिनि, चंदिनी चंद्रकांति चंद्रगोलिका चंद्रपुष्पा चनायल चन्नी उ: पदभार ग्रहण करने के तुरंत बाद, चन्नी ने कई नीतिगत घोषणाएं कीं। चाँदनी उ: चाँदनी को मंगलसूत्र पहनने पर गर्व महसूस होता है। जोँधैया मुदी शशिप्रभा शातपत्रक सौम्यों
Moonlit ki paribhasha : chndrama ka prakaash
ExamplesMoonlit synonyms
golden glistening vivid brilliant shimmering sunny dazzling blazing sparkling luminous shiny intense glittering ablaze alight argent beaming burning effulgent glaring glossy illuminated incandescent lambent limpid lustrous polished resplendent scintillating twinkling gleaming flashing silvery aglow auroral burnished coruscating fulgid illumined irradiated lighted mirrorlike phosphorescent relucent sunlit beamy refulgent Moonlit antonyms
cloudy dreary somber dusky murky stupid unaware unintelligent depressing horrible threatening doleful typical pale pastel dull dark dim gloomy obscure black unpromising depressed unhappy normal Usage of Moonlit in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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