Moonstruck meaning in hindi
As adjective : उन्मत्तक Ex: The beggar was a dumbwitted, moonstruck idiot.
ऊमंती खीपट चित्तभ्रांत निर्दट, निर्दड पागल उ: इस कारण उसकी नवजात बहन मर गई, पिता चल बसे और माँ पागल हो गई। बौड़हा मदकल सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
ExamplesMoonstruck synonyms
batty bizarre brainsick cracked crazed cuckoo daft demented deranged disordered distraught dotty fatuous frenzied idiotic impractical irrational irresponsible loony lunatic maniac maniacal mentally ill nuts nutty paranoid preposterous psychopathic psychotic rabid raging raving screwy senseless unhinged unsound around the bend crazy crazy as a loon derailed mad mad as a hatter not all there nutty as a fruitcake of unsound mind off schizophrenic sick in the head stark raving mad touched unbalanced unsettled wild wrong off one's rocker out of one's mind Usage of Moonstruck in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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