Moral meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Moral
As noun : आचरण संबंधी Ex:  The president has a strong moral fibre.
आद्रश Ex:  Dictums have moral teachings. उ:   सप्तांहत में आराम करने के लिए धनोल्टी एक आद्रश स्थान है। आर्यवृत्त Ex:  Her style of life contradicts her moral principles. करीमुननफस Ex:  Education gives us moral support. चरिट्रबल Ex:  Kohlberg used stories about moral dilemmas in his studies जन्नती Ex:  One moral is to do good deeds. धर्माचारी Ex:  Outer freedom is attained by permeating our deeds with moral imagination. नीतिविद्या Ex:  Thus Friedrich Nietzsche attacked Plato's moral and political theories नीतिशास्ट्र Ex:  " Another concept which blurs ethics is moral luck. नीतिसंगत Ex:  Moses received the Ten Commandments orally and other moral laws. नेकचलन Ex:  In developing this sympathy-based moral sentimentalism नैतिक मूल्य होना Ex:  Hume was a moral sentimentalist and नैतिक Ex:  Many writers emphasize Jesus' moral teachings. उ:   इसलिये जगह जगह नैतिक मानों का प्रश्न उठता है। नैतिकअ Ex:  Its key themes include the moral responsibility of man towards his creator न्यायवृत्त Ex:  Canto XII consists of three moral tales on the subject of profit. न्यायसंगत Ex:  His description differs with Rothbard's because it does not use moral arguments विवेकव्शील Ex:  Confucianism is a philosophy that deals with secular moral ethics वृत्तयुक्त Ex:  Aeschylus' work has a strong moral and religious emphasis. वृत्तवत् Ex:  Washington expressed no moral reservations about slavery but वृत्तस्क, वृत्तस्थ Ex:  This may be done on moral issues. शीलवृत्त Ex:  Lord Atkin took a distinctly moral approach शीलवृद्ध Ex:  Immanuel Kant argued that moral principles were simply products of reason. शीली Ex:  Under rule utilitarianism, a human right can easily be considered a moral rule. शुभाचार Ex:  By 1978, the moral authority of the Somali government had collapsed. सत्चरिट्र Ex:  We live in a moral universe. सत्वशील Ex:  Vonnegut frequently addressed moral and political issues सदवृत्त Ex:  The once-strict moral codes सदाचरण Ex:  Otherwise they remain merely as natural or moral rights . सदाचारी Ex:  Affliction, moral torment, test उ:   गुरु यदि अपनी राशि धनु या मीन में हो तो ऐसे जातक सदाचारी होते हैं। साधुवृत्ति Ex:  and, in this sense, he said so physical things as moral things सीख देना Ex:  ANTICIPATED, EE, adjectively, in the moral sense, signifies Who is premature, which precedes the proper सुप्रतिपन्न Ex:  By extension, this word is used to refer dealing Testing of physical and moral study of various characters, various conditions, etc सूक्ति Ex:  Decreased physical or moral force उ:   कभी कोई सूक्ति या वाक्य भी उपयुक्त शीर्षक हो सकता है।
Other : चरित्रबल Ex:  Confucianism is a complex system of moral नीति शास्त्र Ex:  Aquinas orders his treatment of the moral life around the idea of happiness. शिक्षा Ex:  Nihilism not only dismisses received moral values उ:   ज़ूरिक शिक्षा का प्रसिद्ध केंद्र है। सात्विक Ex:  Allegory containing a moral idea उ:   भोजन में सात्विक पदार्थ हों। सीख Ex:  By extension, it designates Literary History a collection of literary and moral portraits उ:   "हम अपनी नौकरी एक साथ सीख सकते हैं", उन्होंने कहा।
Moral ki paribhasha : le jaane ya le chalane ki kriyaa, bhaav ya dhng nity naimittik niyam satogun se utpann honevaale nisargajaat angavikaar vah patali chhad jisamen godakar maans bhoonate hain kisi vidya ki sikhane ya sikhaane ka kriya jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa vishnu ka ek naam achchhe chaal chalan ka aadami sadvrattishil
Moral synonyms
proper principled righteous noble good straight elevated kosher square innocent worthy upright meet aboveboard blameless chaste conscientious correct courteous decent decorous dutiful exemplary high-minded honorable immaculate incorruptible just kindly laudable meritorious modest praiseworthy pure respectable saintly scrupulous seemly true-blue trustworthy truthful upstanding virtuous moralistic salt of the earth meaning significance saying aphorism dictum gnome truism point maxim rule precept adage epigram motto message saw axiom sermon apophthegm moralism
Moral antonyms
evil immoral sinful unsuitable fake dishonest unfair unjust inappropriate dishonorable disreputable unethical unprincipled vile bad corrupt unfitting unrespected amoral
Usage of Moral in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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