Morbid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Morbid
As noun : अकल्य Ex:  With its bitter assessment of love and morbid ruminations
रुग्ण Ex:  In terms of medicine, he said, Suites morbid affection of a उ:   कालाकाँकर से लौटने के बाद वह प्रायः रुग्ण रहने लगे। साकल्यक Ex:  morbid phenomena स्राम Ex:  Purge morbid germs from infected vapors
As adjective : बीमार सा Ex:  Fear of Medicine morbid water and other fluids रुगण Ex:  FUMES, plural, thought health disorders attributed to morbid moods amount to the brain रुग्णता Ex:  In terms of medicine, it means Designate where lies a morbid because रोगग्रस्त Ex:  It also means in terms of medicine, Action divert irritation, morbid cause, to lure from one party to another that its effects are less dangerous उ:   रोगग्रस्त पौधों या उनके भागों को नष्ट करना। रोगजन्य Ex:  It says figuratively even morbid disorders रोगीला Ex:  Medicine Mental Weakness, morbid mental state व्याध्यार्त Ex:  Medicine morbid Increase the activity of an organ
Other : असुस्थ Ex:  He did this not to be morbid अस्वस्थ Ex:  By extension, it means put into the morbid state that is called inflammation उ:   यह बीमारी आमतौर पर उन लोगों के लार से फैलती हैं जो अस्वस्थ होते हैं। गंदा Ex:  Especially in terms of medicine, Locate a morbid condition
Morbid ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ka vikaar aa gaya ho
Morbid synonyms
pessimistic melancholy macabre unnatural ghoulish ghastly gruesome grim aberrant abnormal ailing dark deadly depressed despondent diseased dreadful frightful grisly hideous irascible malignant monstrous moody saturnine somber sullen unhealthy unsound unusual unwholesome horrid brooding infected
Morbid antonyms
cheerful joyful pleasant healthy pleased happy sound
Usage of Morbid in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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