More and more meaning in hindi

How to pronounce More and more
As noun : अंदधुंध Ex:  Dad seems to be smoking more and more lately .
अगाधरुधिर Ex:  Things are beginning to cost more and more . अतिशयित Ex:  However, more and more data tends to place this origin in the middle Devonian. अतिशायी Ex:  As the unsuitability of the land for agriculture became more and more patent अतें Ex:  Marxism became a more and more popular theoretical approach in the discipline. अत्यधिक Ex:  The player gains more and more Psynergy spells as the game progresses उ:   इनमें एमोनाइटीज़ अत्यधिक महत्व के थे। अध्यारुढ Ex:  There are also more and more regulations issued by independent agencies अमोगाँ Ex:  Porgy and Bess was seen as more and more out of place. उत्तरोत्तर Ex:  Frankenstein and his parallels growing more and more sinister. उ:   ये उत्तरोत्तर अधम माने गये हैं। उर्वरित Ex:  Cyber sports organizations are becoming more and more popular. उल्बण Ex:  As more and more of the seafloor was mapped during the 1950s परिगाढ Ex:  Poetry has tended to move more and more into the campus बंहिष्ठ Ex:  Newport As more and more states seceded from the Union बलीयस् Ex:  The war and the government became more and more unpopular. बहीय Ex:  Waters asserted more and more control over Pink Floyd's output. बहुमुख Ex:  More recently, Waters has become more and more open to a Pink Floyd reunion. भूरी Ex:  The right to vote was granted to more and more people . मनमानिब ‡ Ex:  Now more and more countries are following this method . महत Ex:  She got more and more hysterical,� said her mother Penny . सातिशय Ex:  Its legs are strengthening more and more each day सुविस्तर Ex:  , Doing considerable growth, says d a young person who becomes every day more and more beautiful
As adverb : अधिकाधिक रूप से Ex:  "Now they're looking more and more like a country in sub-Saharan Africa". निरन्तर बढकर Ex:  As more and more land was fenced off
More and more synonyms
more progressively with acceleration
More and more antonyms
less decreasingly
Usage of More and more in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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