Moron meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Moron
As noun : निपट मूर्ख Ex:  A child moron
बेवकूफ़ Ex:  A moron मंद बुद्धि Ex:  A moron plant मंदबुद्धि या बालिश Ex:  By analogy, a shrub moron मन्दबुद्वि Ex:  Colloquially, moron It was working मूढ़बुद्धि
Moron ki paribhasha : vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho
Moron synonyms
idiot boob nerd fool dummy dunce blockhead dope imbecile loser loony dingbat ignoramus simpleton dumbbell dimwit dolt dork addlepate halfwit lamebrain mental defective
Moron antonyms
genius brain
Usage of Moron in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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