Mortifying meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mortifying
As noun : लज्जाजनक Ex:  It is colloquially said of lively Inquiry, or especially a mortifying Trait addressed to someone
लज्जास्पद Ex:  It means, figuratively and familiarly, mockery, criticism mortifying
Mortifying synonyms
annoy disgrace subdue displease chagrin deflate confound vex humiliate control discomfit deny ridicule affront chasten belittle humble harass crush shame abash discipline disappoint worry abase put to shame take down a peg take the wind out get one's comeuppance
Mortifying antonyms
aid soothe delight build up surrender praise compliment assist honor respect make happy please let go yield satisfy encourage help flatter
Usage of Mortifying in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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