Motif meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Motif
As noun : नमूना Ex:  Liszt, for example, wrote a praeludium and fugue on this BACH motif . उ:   इस प्रकार धरती पर सुंदर नमूना बन जाता है।
मूलभाव Ex:  The motif seems to have first been used in Neolithic India. सैंपुल Ex:  This motif is composed of four amino acids at the end of the protein sequence.
Other : अभिप्राय Ex:  Palladio used the motif extensively उ:   पंचरात्र संहिता – पंचरात्र से अभिप्राय है – ‘पंचनिशाओं का तन्त्र’। रूपांकन Ex:  "a single motif that unifies the entire work" उ:   दुकानों, पोस्टरों और घरों में कृष्ण के रूपांकन हैं।
Motif ki paribhasha : vishnu ka ek naam kisi bade ya adhik padaarth men se nikaala hua vah chhota ya thod ansh jisaka upayog us mul padaarth ke gun aur svaroop aadi ka gyaan karaane ke liye hota hai
Motif synonyms
pattern concept logo subject design idea structure notion
Usage of Motif in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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