Mouse meaning in hindi
As noun : खोजते फिरना Ex:  A little mouse crept out of the cupboard .
चुहा Ex:  The cat pounced upon a mouse . चुहिया मारना Ex:  Terrestrial mammals include the mouse चुहिया Ex:  In recent mouse trials, PTC124 was found to repair damaged muscle tissues. उ: जिसकी शादी चुहिया से हो जाती है। चूहिया पकड़ना Ex:  Researchers have also named a genetic-mutant mouse "the Tasmanian devil". चोरी छिपे जाना Ex:  The X server maintains and uses a modifier mapping for the mouse buttons. पिंगो Ex:  Macs did not support more than one mouse मुसटी Ex:  Kind of flying mammals that have membranous wings that look like a mouse to the shape and size of the body मूषक Ex:  Small carnivorous mammal, insectivore, about the size of a mouse उ: भारत में हिंदू संस्कृति में मूषक को गणेश भगवान का वाहन बताया गया है। मूषा Ex:  Small mouse मूस पकडना Ex:  Zoology brown rodent Kind and short tail that is often confused with the field mouse मूस पकड़ना Ex:  The cat pounces on the mouse लज्जालु व्यक्ति Ex:  We said, by analogy, a mouse nestled
Other : आखु Ex:  Shrew is a small animal like a mouse with long nose. चूहा Ex:  After the mouse vaccination study in 1967 उ: चूहा एक स्तनधारी प्राणी है। चूही Ex:  For example, an event is sent when the user presses a key or clicks a mouse चोट पहुँचाने ताला Ex:  In particular, these events report mouse माउस Ex:  Using a mouse model of HD उ: मिकी माउस वाल्ट डिज़्नी का एक कार्टून पात्र है।
Mouse ki paribhasha : chaar paironvaala ek prasiddh chhota jntu jo praayaः gharon ya kheton men bil banaakar rahata hai jisake vaastavik svaroop ka oopar se dekhane se pata na chale
ExamplesMouse synonyms
vermin murine Usage of Mouse in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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