Move up meaning in hindi
As noun : ऊपर ले जाना Ex:  Its initial success prompted Piłsudski to move up his plans by 24 hours.
खिसकना Ex:  Medicine Who gets the organs of digestion from the bottom up in order to move up in the mouth the materials they contain रिरकना ससर्प
As verb : वासपर्यय स्थान बदलना
Other : ऊपर जाना Ex:  By watching the valve rhythmically move up and down
ExamplesMove up synonyms
propel accelerate storm progress speed achieve march proceed launch drive dispatch elevate conquer skyrocket hasten quicken come forward gain ground get ahead go ahead bring forward continue ahead continue on forge ahead get green light get there get with it go forth go forward go great guns go places go to town make headway make the scene move on move onward press on push ahead push on send forward step forward take off escalate climb soar fly sprout mount float scale arise tower lift off awaken stand increase rise and shine turn out upspring pile out roll out spring out pick up hoist boost disappear uphold hike dissipate erect upraise aspire uplift vanish rear disperse bring up build up come up draw up put up take up uprear heft goose upheave bear aloft buoy up hike up jack up jump up raise high favor ennoble magnify dignify prefer graduate better exalt skip honor aggrandize kick upstairs backing encouragement furtherance buildup aggrandizement ennoblement support advancement improvement bump breakthrough elevation exaltation preference go-ahead betterment advocacy step up preferment favoring prelation upgrading set up establish shove pry construct lever hold up pull up throw up upcast lift up place up put on its end run up set upright stand up surge grow surface arouse surmount levitate blast off push up be erect be located be situated bob up get out of bed get steeper go uphill have foundation reach up rise up sit up slope upwards straighten up sweep upward get to one's feet double swell multiply expand distend aggravate augment bulge intensify billow upsurge enlarge enhance spread redouble wax deepen inflate heighten add to perk up go through the roof intensate pile up speed up stack up make better make strides increment leg accession addition accretion augmentation raising step-up hold-up jump-up leg-up move-up Move up antonyms
hinder cease retard back down hesitate recede retreat retrogress decrease take back halt stop hold keep turn withdraw yield slump go down descend decline drop fall lower deaden go to sleep lessen impose demote dispirit weaken collect gather appear set down give receive depress belittle condemn degrade disgrace humiliate shame denounce dishonor diminish debase discredit hurt disfavor denunciation derision hindrance impediment stoppage reduction harm deterioration condemnation debasement humiliation demotion silence opposition discouragement block retrogression worsening depression destroy raze demolish ignore repress suppress reduce conclude finish abandon neglect calm lull regress comply cooperate give in go along decelerate soften soothe compress divide contract shrink cave in deflate deteriorate ruin lay lie withdrawal shrinkage deduction Usage of Move up in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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