Moving meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Moving
As verb : गतिमान Ex:  A bulldozer is moving on the track. उ:   इसलिए जेट विमान आगे की ओर तीव्र वेग से गतिमान होता है।
मर्मस्पर्शी Ex:  CBS responded by moving CBS Reports to Mondays. उ:   उपदेश की प्रवृत्ति के बावजूद उसकी कविताएँ मर्मस्पर्शी हैं। मर्मस्पृश Ex:  Newspapers claimed that many Hollywood stars were moving out of the city
As adjective : करुणात्मक Ex:  All moving bodies have kinetic energy. गतिशील Ex:  These days the moving pictures are very vulgar. उ:   फैशन अनिवार्य रूप से गतिशील और परिवर्तनशील होता है। चलाने वाला Ex:  The beads are counted by moving them up or down towards the beam. हृदय स्पर्शी Ex:  Napoleon had started moving his troops for a campaign elsewhere in Europe. हृदयग्राही Ex:  Pennsylvania before moving to New York City. हृदयद्रावी Ex:  Harry's naval career led to the family moving several more times
Other : चंचल Ex:  After moving back to America, he had to readjust चर Ex:  The crowds are moving in उ:   अर्थात चर में यात्रा वाहन मशीन संबंधित कार्य करने चाहिए। चल Ex:  We are moving toward making the final decision . उ:   गुजराल लम्बे समय से डायलिसिस पर चल रहे थे। चलता Ex:  We are moving up to a larger car . उ:   यह इस तरह कूदता चलता है मानो उड़ रहा हो। चलन Ex:  Stop poking around and get moving . उ:   ये ही चलन वर्षों से है। चलायमान Ex:  Katherine, who also died, prompted one of Milton’s most moving sonnets. चालू Ex:  Hungary began moving towards full democracy उ:   शृंखला क्रिया के चालू करने के लिए क्रांतिक संहति न्यूनतम मात्रा है। जंगम Ex:  Pennsylvania, a southern low-pressure area was moving toward the lake. मार्मिक Ex:  Some contemporaries regarded it as moving and amusing उ:   विषय के अनुसार कहीं व्यंग्य अत्यंत मार्मिक और तीखा हो गया है। विगलन Ex:  Before moving to California संचारी Ex:  Bernard Pass, moving to Paris and from there on to London. उ:   इस प्रकार रस के चार अंग हैं - स्थायी भाव, विभाव, अनुभाव और संचारी भाव।
Moving ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka sadaabahaar ped jisaki lakadi chikani, bahut majaboot aur andar se laal hoti hai kaagaja, kapade aadi ke phatane ka shabd nraty men ek prakaar ki cheshta jisamen haath ke ishaare se kisi ko bulaaya jaata hai
Moving synonyms
stunning inspiring persuasive gripping meaningful eloquent poignant heartbreaking touching heartrending emotional expressive stirring rousing quickening awakening provoking stimulating affective breathless dynamic far-out hairy impressive mind-blowing sententious significant something emotive facund inspirational arousing motivating impelling rallying propelling felt in gut grabbed by mind-bending stimulative turned on by changing flying jumping running going roaming roving movable nomadic portable unstable unsteady shifting walking progressing evolving traversing climbing advancing motile unfixed unsteadfast
Moving antonyms
unemotional unexciting unmoving immobile permanent stationary dull fixed unaffecting
Usage of Moving in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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