Mucilaginous meaning in hindi
As noun : चिपचिपा Ex:  Pharmacy Plaster considered resolutive in which he mucilaginous substances between
मृत्स Ex:  Racine, mucilaginous plant लुआबदार
As adjective : लसदार Ex:  Substance that draws mucilaginous and bulbous roots of some orchids उ: उनका मुख जाड़े में एक चिपचिपे लसदार पदार्थ से बंद रहता है। श्लेष्मकीय
Mucilaginous ki paribhasha : jisamen chipakane ya chipakaane ka gun ho jise chhoone se haath chipakata hua jaan pade
ExamplesMucilaginous synonyms
adhesive clammy gelatinous glutinous gooey slimy stiff tenacious thick tough viscid viscose gluey ropy syrupy Usage of Mucilaginous in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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