Muddle headed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Muddle headed
As noun : घुर्णित
प्रमूढ भरमी भ्रमित उ:   'स्वराज पार्टी से भ्रमित न हों। विचर
Muddle headed ki paribhasha : chakkar khaaya ya ghumaaya hua
Muddle headed synonyms
abashed addled befuddled bewildered confounded confusional dazed discombobulated disconcerted disorganized distracted gone misled muddled perplexed perturbed punch-drunk punchy puzzled screwy slaphappy stumped thrown turbid addlepated at a loss at sea at sixes and sevens baffled come apart flummoxed flustered fouled up glassy-eyed mixed up nonplussed not with it out to lunch shook up shot to pieces spaced out taken aback thrown off balance unglued unscrewed unzipped crazy stupid inappropriate simple nonsensical childish ludicrous idiotic preposterous ridiculous pointless irresponsible frivolous irrational empty asinine balmy brainless dizzy empty-headed fatuous featherbrained flighty foolhardy harebrained ignorant illogical immature imprudent inane inconsistent meaningless puerile senseless simpleminded unintelligent unreasonable unwise vacuous witless dippy nitwitted sheepheaded
Muddle headed antonyms
sensible intelligent mature wise mundane reasonable responsible smart serious practical
Usage of Muddle headed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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