Muddling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Muddling
As noun : अमूझा
अस्पष्ट गोमगा छायावेष्टित धुमैली म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ
Muddling synonyms
disturb complicate discombobulate befuddle perturb clutter derange fluster shuffle spoil tumble rattle foul confound stupefy jumble tangle mumble addle bewilder botch stumble muck mix daze ravel ruffle perplex mess nonplus snarl snafu murmur throw disarrange entangle blunder bungle disorder scramble foul up mix up throw off louse up disorient make a mess of misarrange psych out stir up
Muddling antonyms
calm comfort soothe explain organize enlighten untangle educate explicate order arrange help clarify clear up untwist do well succeed fix uncomplicate speak clearly
Usage of Muddling in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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