Mum meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mum
As noun : मतरिया ‡
मम्मी माता उ:   माता की शक्ति से घोड़े का सर जुड गया। मावा ‡ मैया उ:   अतः ब्रज में इसे यमुना मैया कहना सर्वथा सार्थक है।
Other : मम उ:   वागीश्वरि! प्रतिदिनं मम रक्ष देवि!। मौन उ:   अतएव वे मौन रहकर फिर दीर्घकालीन तपस्या में लीन हो गये।
Mum ki paribhasha : pakke lohe ki vah talavaar jisamen tootane se bachaane ke liye ek kachcha loha laga rahata hai adhik nahin aadi arthon ka soochak avyay thik thik jaanakaari rakhanevaala
Mum synonyms
bashful shy still quiet mute closemouthed reserved secretive soundless speechless tight-lipped tongue-tied uncommunicative unsociable voiceless hushed buttoned up clammed up muted nonvocal not forthcoming not talkative unspeaking wordless zipped
Mum antonyms
Usage of Mum in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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