Municipal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Municipal
As adjective : नगरीय Ex:  When municipal annexation broke down उ:   यह देश का सबसे बड़ा नगरीय इलाका है।
नगर― Ex:  There is a National Assembly and municipal assemblies. नागर Ex:  In 1790, the city held their first municipal elections. उ:   यह मंदिर नागर शैली में बना हुआ है। नागरिक Ex:  At the municipal level, there are approximately 700 school districts statewide. उ:   नागरिक श्रृंगार-प्रेमी थे। शहरसमाज संबंधी Ex:  The city of Tehran is divided into 22 municipal districts शहरी Ex:  The city is divided into 15 municipal districts उ:   मुंबई शहरी क्षेत्र मुंबई का शहरी क्षेत्र है।
Other : नगर पालिका Ex:  Lyon and Marseille are also subdivided into 45 municipal arrondissements. म्युनिसिपल Ex:  The city of Belfast has a mayoral form of municipal government. उ:   इसलिए इसे कंपनी गार्डन या म्युनिसिपल गार्डन कहा जाने लगा।
Municipal ki paribhasha : lokatntraatmak aadi paddhati dvaara shaasit raashtr ka vah nivaasi jise saamaany nirvaachan aadi men mataadhikaar praapt ho divaar ka tedhaapan jo jamin ki tngi ke kaaran hota hai
Municipal synonyms
borough city civic civil community corporate domestic home incorporated internal local metropolitan native public town urban burghal
Municipal antonyms
country suburban
Usage of Municipal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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