Museum meaning in hindi
As noun : अजायब घर Ex:  The old pike used by the soldiers in museum now.
अजायबघर Ex:  The museum displayed gems from all over the world. उ: इस समय यह अजायबघर के रूप में सुरक्षित है। कौतुकालय Ex:  The doors in the museum are mortlocked. म्यूजियम Ex:  The John Wayne Birthplace and museum is in Winterset. उ: क्राफ्ट म्यूजियम में क्राफ्ट म्यूजियम शॉप भी है। संग्रहालय Ex:  By that time it had already been converted to a museum उ: यहां के संग्रहालय में शहर का इतिहास अभिलेखित है। संग्रहालय Ex:  In Paris, a two-room museum is dedicated to Piaf, the Musée Édith Piaf .
ExamplesMuseum synonyms
building foundation salon library gallery institution hall menagerie repository exhibition treasury depository vault storehouse exhibits archive Usage of Museum in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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