Musical instrument meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Musical instrument
As noun : वाद्य यंट्र Ex:  It also means play poorly in any musical instrument
Other :
इकतारा Ex:  The calabash is the primary musical instrument of Guinea-Bissau बाजा Ex:  The most popular traditional musical instrument उ:   यह मृदंग के आकार प्रकार का परन्तु उससे कुछ छोटा एक प्रकार का बाजा है। लमगला Ex:  In terms of music, it means Exercising on a musical instrument वाद्य Ex:  Marine Trumpet musical instrument that has a rope उ:   यह वाद्य यंत्रों के निर्माण के लिए विख्यात है। संगीत वाद्य Ex:  Onomatopoeia which is used to designate a Fake notes made by a voice or a musical instrument
Usage of Musical instrument in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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