Musing meaning in hindi
As noun : विचारमग्न
Other :
चिंतन Ex:  This school is just musing उ: अतः संगीत के चिंतन में विज्ञान स्वतः आ जाता है। चिंता Ex:  Who spends his time musing उ: भारत में जलभरों और भूजल की स्थिति पर चिंता जाहिर की ज रही है। चिन्तन Ex:  It also means plural, Concern, musing that prevents a man to think of the things spoken about him or that he has before him उ: यह नैतिक चिन्तन का सबसे निचला चरण है। सोच उ: इस महान सोच के लिए वह मशहूर है।
ExamplesMusing synonyms
reflection reverie introspection meditation pondering pensiveness absorbed introspective meditative thoughtful contemplation deliberation Usage of Musing in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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