Muss meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Muss
As noun : अप्रबंध
अमूझाना अरुझाना अव्यवस्था उ:   रोशनी के अत्यधिक समूहों को प्रकाश अव्यवस्था कहते हैं। उलझाना गुरझियाना गोलमाल बझाना ‡ बदइंतजामी हरबोँग
Muss ki paribhasha : lakadi aadi men bal dalan ya tedha karana
Muss synonyms
turmoil hash mess confusion chaos muddle shambles mix-up disarrangement mess-up rummage disturb disarray ruffle disorganize rumple upset wrinkle clutter tousle jumble tangle disrupt crumple mess up mix up
Muss antonyms
calm harmony order organization system organize soothe neaten tidy straighten fix up arrange smooth clear up
Usage of Muss in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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