Myopic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Myopic
As noun : अदूरदरसी Ex:  A spectacles, goggles myopic
अदूरदर्शी Ex:  adjectively, it is myopic अपरिणामदर्शी Ex:  He myopic view अल्पदर्शन Ex:  state of those who are myopic कमनजर Ex:  The concave glasses are used for myopic and presbyopic glasses convex कोतहनजर स्वल्पदृक्
Myopic ki paribhasha : jo door ke parinaam ka vichaar na kare
Myopic synonyms
nearsighted shortsighted biased blind astigmatic halfsighted presbyopic
Myopic antonyms
Usage of Myopic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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