Mystical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mystical
As noun : रहस्यवादी Ex:  Socrates often seems to support a mystical side उ:   रहस्यवादी कविताओं का अभाव हो गया।
As adjective :
अधिदैविक Ex:  Sufi Shah Abdul Latif is considered one of the most outstanding mystical poets. आध्यात्मिक Ex:  The Seven Valleys is considered Bahá'u'lláh's "greatest mystical composition". उ:   आध्यात्मिक जगत में 'विधि के विधान' का है। गूढ़ Ex:  Link usually requires the mystical Master Sword and Light Arrows
Other : रहस्यमय Ex:  Yeats's mystical inclinations उ:   कुछ महीने बाद, ब्लैक डॉग नामक एक रहस्यमय नाविक बोन्स से मिलने आता है।
Mystical ki paribhasha : padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain adhyaatm se snbndh rakhanevaala rahasyavaad se snbndhit va yukt
Mystical synonyms
esoteric magical anagogic arcane cryptic hermetical orphic
Usage of Mystical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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