Mystifying meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mystifying
As noun :
रहस्यपूर्ण Ex:  The one, the one that has the taste, habit of mystifying
Mystifying synonyms
cryptic perplexing puzzling equivocal unnatural secretive esoteric magical inexplicable baffling subjective inscrutable incomprehensible occult hidden obscure veiled abstruse arcane cabalistic covert curious dark difficult enigmatic furtive impenetrable insoluble mystic mystical oracular recondite spiritual strange symbolic transcendental uncanny unfathomable unknown weird alchemistic astrological enigmatical necromantic sphinxlike unknowable
Mystifying antonyms
obvious intelligible comprehensible known clear plain comprehendible understandable
Usage of Mystifying in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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