Mythic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mythic
As noun : पौराणिक गाथाओं का Ex:  These items are not mythology but contain mythic themes that
As adjective :
काल्पनिक Ex:  Instead, the mythic categories had encompassed these changes. उ:   यह मंदिर शार्दूलों के काल्पनिक चित्रण के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। पौराणिक Ex:  Constantine acquired a mythic role as a warrior against "heathens" उ:   भारत की पौराणिक गाथाओं में कमल का विशेष स्थान है। भावनामय Ex:  Captain Swing was a mythic name used in these letters .
Mythic ki paribhasha : athaarah maatra ke chhndon ki sngya
Mythic synonyms
whimsical imaginary fanciful legendary allegorical chimerical fabled fabulous fantasy fictitious fictive invented made-up mythologic mythological nonexistent pretended storied supposititious traditional unreal untrue visionary created fabricated fairy-tale false folkloric
Mythic antonyms
factual real true
Usage of Mythic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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