Adequacy meaning in malayalam

Word: Adequacy

Meanings of Adequacy in malayalam :

Noun Paryaapthatha (പര്യാപ്‌തത)
Kshamatha (ക്ഷമത) Anuyeaajyatha (അനുയോജ്യത) Verb Mathiyaayirikkal‍ (മതിയായിരിക്കല്‍)
Adequacy definition
the quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily
Ex: 4 he questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the Golden Rule
the quality of being sufficient for the end in view
Ex: he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence
Related wordsAdequacy - Paryaapthatha (പര്യാപ്‌തത)
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