Affluent meaning in malayalam

Word: Affluent

Meanings of Affluent in malayalam :

Adjective Samruddhamaaya (സമൃദ്ധമായ)
Sampatthulla (സമ്പത്തുള്ള) Dhanaaddyamaaya (ധനാഢ്യമായ) Upanadi (ഉപനദി) Sanpatthulla (സന്പത്തുള്ള) Poshakanadi (പോഷകനദി) Noun Peaashakanadi (പോഷകനദി)
Affluent definition
an affluent person; a person who is financially well off
Ex: the so-called emerging affluents
(geography) a branch that flows into the main stream
having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
Ex: an affluent banker
Related wordsAffluent - Samruddhamaaya (സമൃദ്ധമായ)
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