Analogous meaning in malayalam

Word: Analogous

Meanings of Analogous in malayalam :

Adjective Samaanamaaya (സമാനമായ)
Samaantharasaadrushyam Prakatamaakkunna (സമാന്തരസാദൃശ്യം പ്രകടമാക്കുന്ന) Samadhar‍mmamaaya (സമധര്‍മ്മമായ) Thulyamaaya (തുല്യമായ) Sambandhamulla (സംബന്ധമുള്ള)
Analogous definition
similar or correspondent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
Ex: brains and computers are often considered analogous
(biology) corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin
Ex: the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous
Related wordsAnalogous - Samaanamaaya (സമാനമായ)
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