Awkwardness meaning in malayalam

Word: Awkwardness

Meanings of Awkwardness in malayalam :

Noun Vykrutham (വൈകൃതം)
Vilakshanatha (വിലക്ഷണത) Ashaushalam (അശൗശലം) Vyshamyam (വൈഷമ്യം) Kuzhappam (കുഴപ്പം)
Awkwardness definition
the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)
the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant
the quality of an embarrassing situation
Ex: he sensed the awkwardness of his proposal
unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
trouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape
Ex: 4 the movers cursed the unwieldiness of the big piano
Related definition of Awkwardness

Mattattharam Maṭṭataram So . (matta T . Stupid , C . Maḍḍa) . Rusticity , Awkwardness .

Related wordsAwkwardness - Vykrutham (വൈകൃതം)
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