Broom meaning in malayalam

Word: Broom

Meanings of Broom in malayalam :

Chool‍ (ചൂല്‍)
Orutharam Cheti (ഒരുതരം ചെടി) Noun Choolu (ചൂല്‌) Payar‍var‍ggatthil‍petta Kutticcheti (പയര്‍വര്‍ഗ്ഗത്തില്‍പെട്ട കുറ്റിച്ചെടി) Verb Aticchuvaaruka (അടിച്ചുവാരുക)
Broom definition
a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle
(botany) any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 6559
(botany) common Old World heath represented by many varieties; low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere
finish with a broom
sweep with a broom or as if with a broom
Ex: Sweep the crumbs off the table
Related definition of Broom

൦ramr‍kkili = Maacchil‍ , Broom (loc . )

Katunpu (loc . ) Stump Of A Broom .

Kuraricchool‍ Broom , Much Worn B .

Related wordsBroom - Chool‍ (ചൂല്‍) Broom stick - Chool‍ (ചൂല്‍) Broomstick exercise - Chool Vyaayaamam (ചൂൽ വ്യായാമം)
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