Confession meaning in malayalam

Word: Confession

Meanings of Confession in malayalam :

Noun Kutta Sammatham (കുറ്റ സമ്മതം)
Kumpasaaram (കുമ്പസാരം) Kuttasammatham (കുറ്റസമ്മതം) Paapaamgeekaaram (പാപാംഗീകാരം) Paapasveekaranam (പാപസ്വീകരണം) Verb Kumpasaarikkal‍ (കുമ്പസാരിക്കല്‍) Kuttam Elkkal‍ (കുറ്റം ഏല്ക്കല്‍) Kunpasaarikkal‍ (കുന്പസാരിക്കല്‍) Kuttam Sammathikkal‍ (കുറ്റം സമ്മതിക്കല്‍)
Confession definition
(law) an admission of misdeeds or faults
(Roman Catholic Church) the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution
(writing) a written document acknowledging an offense and signed by the guilty party
(religion) a document that spells out the belief system of a given church (especially the Reformation churches of the 16th century)
a public declaration of your faith
Related definition of Confession

Kaapyabhaavam 1 . S . = Kaapeyam . 2 . So . Kaapya Karam Confession ; Kaapyakaaran‍ Penitent (Nasr . )

Konpasaarikka Port . Confessar . To Confess . Nasr . Kunpasaaram Auricular Confession , Esp . Aanduku . , During Lent . Rom . Cath .

Pedyam Pēd/?/yam (Tdbh . Of Bhe — ) Maltreatment , Slight Tortures Employed To Extort Confession Etc .

Related wordsConfession - Kutta Sammatham (കുറ്റ സമ്മതം) Confessional - Kumpasaarakkoottu (കുമ്പസാരക്കൂട്ട്‌)
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