Covetousness meaning in malayalam

Word: Covetousness

Meanings of Covetousness in malayalam :

Noun Athyaagraham (അത്യാഗ്രഹം)
Covetousness definition
an envious eagerness to possess something
extreme greed for material wealth
(religion,theology) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
Related definition of Covetousness

Ar‍ththaagraham Covetousness , Ar‍ththaasha .

VN . Alar‍ccha Heat , Lust Dhanatthotalar‍ccha Covetousness — Alar‍cchakkaaran‍ = Athyaagrahi Vu . Alannavan‍ .

Irukkam Tightness (= Murukkam) , Covetousness .

Related wordsCovetousness - Athyaagraham (അത്യാഗ്രഹം)
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