Departed meaning in malayalam

Word: Departed

Meanings of Departed in malayalam :

Adjective Pirinjupeaaya (പിരിഞ്ഞുപോയ)
Departed definition
someone who is no longer alive
Ex: I wonder what the dead person would have done
not present; having left
Ex: he' s away right now
(euphemistic) dead "he is deceased"
Ex: our dear departed friend
well in the past; former
Ex: bygone days
Related definition of Departed

Apagatham Abaġaδam S . (gam) Departed A Bhayaakulam AR 5 . Boldly .

Vigatham S . (part . Pass , Of Gam) Departed . Bra Hmadandatthaal‍ Vi'nmaar‍ Brhmd . Perished . Vigathabhayam Bhg . Mud . Fearlessly . Vigathaa Yushan‍ Brhmd . Too Old . — Vigathaar‍tthava F . Past Child-bearing .

Related wordsDeparted - Pirinjupeaaya (പിരിഞ്ഞുപോയ) Departed soul - Prathaathmaavu (പ്രതാത്മാവ്‌)
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