Dip meaning in malayalam
Meanings of Dip in malayalam :
Neeraatal (നീരാടല്)Noun:
(law,criminal law) a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
(physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
a brief immersion
a depression in an otherwise level surface
Ex: there was a dip in the road
a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms
a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
Ex: a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index
(food) tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
(sport) a brief swim in water
immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
Ex: dip the garment into the cleaning solution
(color) stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
(food) dip into a liquid while eating; as of bread in a soup or sauce
go down momentarily
Ex: Prices dipped
immerse in a disinfectant solution
Ex: dip the sheep
switch a car's headlights from a higher to a lower beam
of candles; by dipping the wick into hot, liquid wax
dip into a liquid
Ex: 4 He dipped into the pool
slope downwards
Ex: Our property dips towards the river
lower briefly
Ex: She dipped her knee
appear to move downward
Ex: The sun dipped below the horizon
scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface
Ex: dip water out of a container
Thokkuka Tōkkuγa No . (T . Thoykka To Dip In , Bring Together ; Contr . Of Thukakka , Thuvekka ; C . Dogeyu To Dig Out , Burrow) . To Bore A Hole Into Any Vessel Or Fruit Containing A Fluid . Paa Lkkuzha Mellave Thokkum , Paakkuzha Thotthathu , Tho Kkukondannaarnnu Vaayum Pilarnnu CG . (ilanneer Chetthi , But) Thenga Thotthukutikka Vu . To Open & Drink A Cocoanut .
Thoyuka Tōyuγa T . M . (T . Thuva , Whence Thu Vekka ; C . Tu . Thoyi & Tho Moist) To Dip , Soak , Unite . Manjalniram Thonja Koora , Sho Nitham Thonja Baanangal , Gandatthil Tho Yunna Vanmadathoyam . Met . Sheetham Thonjeetunnaa Thankam CG . Sammatham Thoyunna Nanmozhi Anj . (= Ulla) .
Thoykka T . M . So . (T . Thoykka To Dip In , Bring Together , Etc) 1 . To Temper Iron = Oottuka . 2 . No . Oocoanut-trees Sprung From Nuts Which Have Sprouted Before Planting , Will Grow In A Stunted Fashion , Thoytthu (= Chi Llicchu ; Melinju) Pokum .
Related wordsDip - Mukkuka (മുക്കുക) Dip into ones pocket - Svantham Peaakkattil Ninnu Chelavucheyyuka (സ്വന്തം പോക്കറ്റില് നിന്ന് ചെലവുചെയ്യുക) Dip-net - Cheenavala (ചീനവല) Diphtheria - Theaandyakkundaakunna Reaagam (തൊണ്ട്യക്കുണ്ടാകുന്ന രോഗം) Diphthong - Oraksharatthinullil Upayogikkunna Randu Shuddhasvarashabdangalute Koottu (ഒരക്ഷരത്തിനുള്ളില് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന രണ്ടു ശുദ്ധസ്വരശബ്ദങ്ങളുടെ കൂട്ട്) Diplodocus - Oru Tharam Dinosar (ഒരു തരം ദിനോസര്) Diplody - Randu Varikal Veethamulla Kavithaashakalam (രണ്ടു വരികള് വീതമുള്ള കവിതാശകലം) Diploma - Yeaagyathaapathram (യോഗ്യതാപത്രം) Diplomacy - Nayathanthram (നയതന്ത്രം) Diplomat - Raajyathanthraprathinidhi (രാജ്യതന്ത്രപ്രതിനിധി)