Discretionary meaning in malayalam

Word: Discretionary

Meanings of Discretionary in malayalam :

Adjective Vivechanaparamaaya (വിവേചനപരമായ)
Vakathirivulla (വകതിരിവുള്ള) Vivekamulla (വിവേകമുള്ള)
Discretionary definition
having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment
Ex: The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds
(especially of funds) not earmarked; available for use as needed
Ex: discretionary funds
Related wordsDiscretionary - Vivechanaparamaaya (വിവേചനപരമായ) Discretionary powers - Vivechanaadhikaaram (വിവേചനാധികാരം)
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