Elbows meaning in malayalam

Word: Elbows

Meanings of Elbows in malayalam :

Noun Kymuttukal‍ (കൈമുട്ടുകള്‍)
Elbows definition
(anatomy) hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
a sharp bend in a road or river
(clothing) the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow
Ex: his coat had patches over the elbows
a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it
(anatomy) the joint of a mammal or bird that corresponds to the human elbow
push one's way with the elbows
shove one's elbow into another person's ribs
Related definition of Elbows

Ashtaamgam 1 . The 8 Members , F . I . Hands , Feet , Knees , Elbows (?) Ashtaamgapranaamam , A Shtaamgaabhivaadam Perfect Prostration Or Adoration . 2 . 8 Parts F . I . Ashtaamgayogam 8 Kinds Of Meritorious Exercises . (yamam , Ni Yamam , Aasanam , Praanaayamam Prathyaahaaram , Dhaarana , Dhyaanam , Samaadhi) .

൦ramtituka (3) To Fight As With Fists , Elbows , Etc . V1 .

Related wordsElbows - Kymuttukal‍ (കൈമുട്ടുകള്‍)
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