Endowment meaning in malayalam

Word: Endowment

Meanings of Endowment in malayalam :

Noun Vasthudaanam (വസ്‌തുദാനം)
Dhar‍mma Sthaapanangal‍kkaayulla Daanam (ധര്‍മ്മ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങള്‍ക്കായുള്ള ദാനം) Sthreedhanam (സ്‌ത്രീധനം) Varaprasaadam (വരപ്രസാദം) Chaathuryaadigunangal‍ (ചാതുര്യാദിഗുണങ്ങള്‍) Dhar‍mmadaanam (ധര്‍മ്മദാനം) Dhanaviniyeaagam (ധനവിനിയോഗം) Dhanaviniyogam (ധനവിനിയോഗം) Dhar‍mmasvatthu (ധര്‍മ്മസ്വത്ത്) Vasthudaanam (വസ്തുദാനം)
Endowment definition
natural qualities or talents
(economics) the capital that provides income for an institution
the act of endowing with a permanent source of income
Ex: his generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time
Related definition of Endowment

Prathishdta S . (sthaa) 1 . Firm Standing . 2 . Erecting & Consecrating An Idol Maarushylaadi Pra . Aavidhikal‍ Brhmd . Endowment Of A Temple . 3 . An Image Fixed In The Ground ; Kēraḷam Has 108 Pra . Of Parašu Rāma's Time , 4408 Devapra . Besides Innumerable Desha — , Graama — , Naattu — , Kottuprathishdta Kal‍ KU .

Related wordsEndowment - Vasthudaanam (വസ്‌തുദാനം)
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