Essential meaning in malayalam

Word: Essential

Meanings of Essential in malayalam :

Atisthaanaparamaaya (അടിസ്ഥാനപരമായ)
Adjective Athyanthaapekshithamaaya (അത്യന്താപേക്ഷിതമായ) Sar‍vvapradhaanamaaya (സര്‍വ്വപ്രധാനമായ) Satthaaya (സത്തായ) Saaravatthaaya (സാരവത്തായ) Kalar‍ppillaattha (കലര്‍പ്പില്ലാത്ത) Athyaavashyamaaya (അത്യാവശ്യമായ) Pradhaanamaaya (പ്രധാനമായ) Saarabhoothamaaya (സാരഭൂതമായ)
Essential definition
anything indispensable
Ex: food and shelter are necessities of life
absolutely necessary; vitally necessary
Ex: essential tools and materials
basic and fundamental
Ex: the essential feature
of the greatest importance
Ex: the all-important subject of disarmament
of the greatest importance
Ex: the all-important subject of disarmament
absolutely required and not to be used up or sacrificed
being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc
Ex: essential oil
(law) applying to essential legal principles and rules of right
Ex: substantive law
Related definition of Essential

Thathvam S . 1 . The Being That , Essential Nature , Truth Namukku Thathvamaayittu Oru Thelivundaa Kum TR . Mama Thathvaanubhoothi Varum AR . He Will Share My Divine Nature . Thathvatho Vru Tthaanthangal‍ Ariyicchu Nal . Truly . 2 . Reality (Bhg . 24 Or 26 Or 40 Etc . ; In The Sānkhya System 25 , In KeiN 96 . F . I . 5 Jnjaanendri Yam 5 Kar‍mmendriyam 10 Vishayam 4 Manobu Ddhi Ahankaarachitthangal‍ 1 Aathmaavino Tukoota Panchavimshathi Undaam) . In Ved . D . 28 . In Vēdānta Tha . Is Derived From Tad + Twam: "that (God) Art Thou (individual)" See The Treatise Thatthvamasi . — Thathvajnjan‍ Bhar .

VN . Baddhappaatu 1 . Urgent Business . Pala Koottam Ba'tundu TR . Troublesome Concerns . ൨൧ ൯ Thutangi ൨൩ ൯ Olam Atiya Ntharatthin‍re Ba'taakunnu The Great Time Of The Feast , Most Essential Part . 2 . Haste , Trepidation ; Baddhappaattukaaran‍ (& Tu) .

Mahaayajnjam S . An Essential Sacrifice .

Related wordsEssential - Athyanthaapekshithamaaya (അത്യന്താപേക്ഷിതമായ) Essential commodities - Avashyasaadhanangal‍ (അവശ്യസാധനങ്ങള്‍) Essential oils - Sugandhathylangal‍ (സുഗന്ധതൈലങ്ങള്‍) Essential services - Athyaavashyasevanatthurakal‍ (അത്യാവശ്യസേവനത്തുറകള്‍) Essentially - Avashyam (അവശ്യം) Essentials - Moolathatthvangal‍ (മൂലതത്ത്വങ്ങള്‍)
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