Expecting meaning in malayalam

Word: Expecting

Meanings of Expecting in malayalam :

Adjective Pratheekshikkunna (പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്ന)
Expecting definition
regard something as probable or likely
Ex: The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow
consider obligatory; request and expect
Ex: We require our secretary to be on time
look forward to the probably occurrence of
Ex: 4 We were expecting a visit from our relatives
consider reasonable or due
Ex: I' m expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed
be pregnant with
Ex: She is bearing his child
look forward to the birth of a child
Ex: She is expecting in March
Related definition of Expecting

Unmukham Unmukham S . Looking Up , Expecting .

Naanthala The Tip Of The Tongue (see Konthala Prov . ) , A Ready Tongue . Drushtikal‍ Chenna Vannaavin‍ Thalekkale Pettennurecchu Thare Cchuninnu CG . Her Eyes Were Fixed On His Tongue , Expecting Life Or Death From His Message .

൦ramshvarapratheekshamaanan‍ AR . (part . ) Expecting God .

Related wordsExpecting - Pratheekshikkunna (പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്ന)
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