Felon meaning in malayalam

Word: Felon

Meanings of Felon in malayalam :

Adjective Mahaapaathakiyaaya (മഹാപാതകിയായ)
Noun Bhayankara Kuttakruthyam Cheythavan‍ (ഭയങ്കര കുറ്റകൃത്യം ചെയ്‌തവന്‍)
Felon definition
(law,criminal law) someone who has committed (or been legally convicted of) a crime
(medicine) a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail
Related definition of Felon

Aathathaayi āδaδāyi S . (aathatham Drawn Bow) Threatening One's Life , Felon (= Vadhatthinnatu Tthavan‍) .

Related wordsFelon - Bhayankara Kuttakruthyam Cheythavan‍ (ഭയങ്കര കുറ്റകൃത്യം ചെയ്‌തവന്‍) Felonious - Bhayankara Kuttakruthyam Cheythavanaaya (ഭയങ്കര കുറ്റകൃത്യം ചെയ്‌തവനായ) Felony - Keaatiya Kuttakruthyam (കൊടിയ കുറ്റകൃത്യം)
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