Flinch meaning in malayalam

Word: Flinch

Meanings of Flinch in malayalam :

Chooluka (ചൂളുക)
Paraajayappetuka (പരാജയപ്പെടുക) Verb Valiyuka (വലിയുക) Pin‍maaruka (പിന്‍മാറുക) Vazhuthikkalayuka (വഴുതിക്കളയുക) Ozhinjumaaruka (ഒഴിഞ്ഞുമാറുക) Matikkuka (മടിക്കുക)
Flinch definition
(biology,medicine) a reflex response to sudden pain
draw back, as with fear or pain
Ex: she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
Related wordsFlinch - Valiyuka (വലിയുക)
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