Forgetfulness meaning in malayalam

Word: Forgetfulness

Meanings of Forgetfulness in malayalam :

Noun Maravi (മറവി)
Or‍mmakketu (ഓര്‍മ്മക്കേട്‌)
Forgetfulness definition
(psychology) tendency to forget
(psychology) unawareness caused by neglectful or heedless failure to remember
Ex: his forgetfulness increased as he grew older
Related definition of Forgetfulness

Ayar‍thi , Ayar‍ppu T . So M . Swoon , Forgetfulness , Discord V1 .

Ashathi Ašaδi T . SoM . (ayar‍ T . ) Drowsiness , Forgetfulness .

Or‍mmakketu Inattention , Forgetfulness . Ennu Pa Ranjathu O'taakunnu MR . Slip Of The Tongue .

Related wordsForgetfulness - Maravi (മറവി)
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