Gluttony meaning in malayalam

Word: Gluttony

Meanings of Gluttony in malayalam :

Theettibhraanthu (തീറ്റിഭ്രാന്ത്)
Noun Athyaar‍tthi (അത്യാര്‍ത്തി) Amithabhakshanam (അമിതഭക്ഷണം) Dura (ദുര) Dur‍meaaham (ദുര്‍മോഹം) Athibhakshanam (അതിഭക്ഷണം) Bahubhakshanam (ബഹുഭക്ഷണം)
Gluttony definition
habitual eating to excess
(religion,theology) eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)
Related definition of Gluttony

Athibhakshanam , -bhukthi Aδibhakšaṇam , — Bhukti S . Gluttony .

Related wordsGluttony - Athyaar‍tthi (അത്യാര്‍ത്തി)
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