Justify meaning in malayalam

Word: Justify

Meanings of Justify in malayalam :

Neetheekarikkuka (നീതീകരിക്കുക)
Verb Nyaayeekarikkuka (ന്യായീകരിക്കുക) Neethikarikkuka (നീതികരിക്കുക) Saadhookarikkuka (സാധൂകരിക്കുക) Samar‍ththikkuka (സമര്‍ത്ഥിക്കുക)
Justify definition
show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
Ex: The emergency does not warrant all of us buying guns
show to be right by providing justification or proof
Ex: vindicate a claim
defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning
Ex: rationalize the child' s seemingly crazy behavior
let off the hook
Ex: I absolve you from this responsibility
(printing) adjust the spaces between words; in printing
Ex: justify the margins
Related wordsJustify - Nyaayeekarikkuka (ന്യായീകരിക്കുക)
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