Leading meaning in malayalam

Word: Leading

Meanings of Leading in malayalam :

Mukhyamaaya (മുഖ്യമായ)
Valare Pradhaanappetta (വളരെ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട) Adjective Pramukhamaaya (പ്രമുഖമായ) Pradhaanappetta (പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട) Verb Vazhikaattuka (വഴികാട്ടുക)
Leading definition
(printing) thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
the activity of leading
Ex: his leadership inspired the team
indicating the most important performer or role
Ex: the leading man
greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
Ex: our greatest statesmen
going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way
Ex: we rode in the leading car
purposefully formulated to elicit a desired response
Ex: a leading question
having the leading position or higher score in a contest
Ex: he is ahead by a pawn
Related definition of Leading

Agasthi Agasti S . 1 . = Agasyan‍ N . Pr . A Rishi Celebrated For Passing The Vindhya Mountains And Leading The Brahmans Into The Deccan . 2 . The Star Canopus . 3 . Agasima Ram (= Akatthi) Med . Plant Agasthippoo GP . 65 .

Ghattam Ghaṭṭam S . Ghat , Landing Place (= Kata Vu) Steps Leading Into Tanks Vaapigha'ngal‍ CC .

Thalayaana A Leading Elephant , (opp . Kuzhiyaana Prov . )

Related wordsLeading - Vazhikaattuka (വഴികാട്ടുക) Leading article - Mukhyalekhanam (മുഖ്യലേഖനം) Leading question - Soochakacheaadyam (സൂചകചോദ്യം) Leadingly - Nayicchukeaandu (നയിച്ചുകൊണ്ട്‌)
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