Moral meaning in malayalam

Word: Moral

Meanings of Moral in malayalam :

Adjective Sadaachaaraparamaaya (സദാചാരപരമായ)
Dhar‍mmaadhar‍mmavivechanaparamaaya (ധര്‍മ്മാധര്‍മ്മവിവേചനപരമായ) Saccharithanaaya (സച്ചരിതനായ) Sadaachaaranirathanaaya (സദാചാരനിരതനായ) Dhar‍mmanishdtayulla (ധര്‍മ്മനിഷ്‌ഠയുള്ള) Dhar‍mmaanuroopamaaya (ധര്‍മ്മാനുരൂപമായ) Saan‍maar‍ggikamaaya (സാന്‍മാര്‍ഗ്ഗികമായ) Dhaar‍mmikamaaya (ധാര്‍മ്മികമായ) Sadaachaaramaaya (സദാചാരമായ) Noun Gunapaadtam (ഗുണപാഠം) Sadaachaaram (സദാചാരം) Aachaaramurakal‍ (ആചാരമുറകള്‍) Kathayute Aantharaar‍ththam (കഥയുടെ ആന്തരാര്‍ത്ഥം)
Moral definition
the significance of a story or event
Ex: the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor
relating to principles of right and wrong; i.e. to morals or ethics
Ex: moral philosophy
concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles
Ex: moral sense
adhering to ethical and moral principles
Ex: it seems ethical and right
psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect
Ex: a moral victory
arising from the sense of right and wrong
Ex: a moral obligation
based on strong likelihood or firm conviction rather than actual evidence
Ex: a moral certainty
Related definition of Moral

Kar‍mmam Karmam S . (kar‍ , Whence , L . Carmen) 1 . Act , Action . The Accusative ; Kar‍mmatthil‍ Kriya The Passive Construction (gram . ) . Avan‍re Ka . Attupoyi V . He Is Dead . 2 . Moral & Religious Act . Nithyaka . Daily Services . 3 . Namme Okkayum Bandhiccha Saadhanam Kar‍mmam GnP . Actions Of This & Former Lives (of 3 Kinds Punyaka . , Paapaka . , Mishraka . ) ; Chiefly Bad Actions & Their Consequences . 4 . Fate , Destiny En‍ Kar‍mmam E Nnu CG . (exclamation) . Ka . Illaattha Unlucky . Tha Nikku Bhaagyam Anubhavikkunnathinnu Ka . Poraa Arb . His Luck (as Determined By The Actions Of Past Lives) . Ingane Ka . Namukketo SiPu .

Thathvajnjaanam Philosophy As The Result And Cause Of Moral Purity , Aghamakalumalavu Tha . Udikkum & Mohaadikale Thathvabodhena Kalayum AR . — Thathvajnjaanodayaanandaanubhoo Thi KeiN . The Joy Experienced By Philosophical Enlightenment . Aathmathathvaavabo Dham VilvP . — Thathvajnjaani A Philosopher .

Related wordsMoral - Sadaachaaraparamaaya (സദാചാരപരമായ) Moral advice - Hitheaapadesham (ഹിതോപദേശം) Moral duty - Dhar‍mmam (ധര്‍മ്മം) Moral law - San‍maar‍gganiyamam (സന്‍മാര്‍ഗ്ഗനിയമം) Moral obligation - Dhaar‍mmikabaaddhyatha (ധാര്‍മ്മികബാദ്ധ്യത) Moral philosophy - Neethishaasthram (നീതിശാസ്‌ത്രം) Moral police - Sadaachaara Poleesu (സദാചാര പോലീസ്) Moral power - Dhar‍mmaprabhaavam (ധര്‍മ്മപ്രഭാവം) Moral psychology - Sadaachaara Manashaasthram (സദാചാര മനശാസ്ത്രം) Moral science - Dhar‍mmashaasthram (ധര്‍മ്മശാസ്‌ത്രം)
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