Murmuring meaning in malayalam

Word: Murmuring

Meanings of Murmuring in malayalam :

Adjective Mar‍mmaram Purappetuvikkunna (മര്‍മ്മരം പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുന്ന)
Noun Mar‍mmaram (മര്‍മ്മരം)
Murmuring definition
a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
making a low continuous indistinct sound
Ex: like murmuring waves
Related definition of Murmuring

I . Irekka Irekka T . M . (II . Ira) To Pant , Snore , Bluster , Roar As Sea Vaaridhikalum Ire Cchu Okkave Kalangunnu Bhr5 . (before A Storm) . Iracchal‍ 1 . Noise As Of Sea , Bowels , Hum , Buzz , Murmuring , Also Ireppu . 2 . The Appearance Of Cracked , Uneven Wood (loc . )

Related wordsMurmuring - Mar‍mmaram (മര്‍മ്മരം)
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