Neatly meaning in malayalam

Word: Neatly

Meanings of Neatly in malayalam :

Vetippaayi (വെടിപ്പായി)
Adjective Vrutthiyaayi (വൃത്തിയായി) Noun Shucheekaranam (ശുചീകരണം)
Neatly definition
with neatness
Ex: she put the slippers under the bed neatly
Related definition of Neatly

Thooma Tūma T . M . (&thuyma , See Thoo) 1 . Purity Pu Nchipitthooma , Mukhatthin‍thoomaketum CG . (through Weeping) . Panchathaarekku Thu Ma Vannu Refined . Mara Tthinnu Thooma Varutthuka To Improve , Straighten V1 . 2 . Perfection . Thoomayaale Neatly . Thoomayo Tar‍jjunan‍ Ethir‍tthu Bhr . Mud . (often Expl . ) Thoomappetuka To Grow Fine , Succeed Ithottum Thoo Mappetaatthozhil‍ RC .

Related wordsNeatly - Shucheekaranam (ശുചീകരണം)
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