Nippers meaning in malayalam

Word: Nippers

Meanings of Nippers in malayalam :

Noun Keaatil‍ (കൊടില്‍)
Nippers definition
a young person of either sex (between birth and puberty)
Ex: she writes books for children
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 9206
(zoology) a structure like a pincer on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods
Related definition of Nippers

Chavana Čavaṇa T . M . (& Chavina) T . Chaavanam H . Čimṭa . Pincers , Nippers , Snuffers Cha . Thatti Nid .

Related wordsNippers - Keaatil‍ (കൊടില്‍)
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