Pinnacled meaning in malayalam

Word: Pinnacled

Meanings of Pinnacled in malayalam :

Adjective Mel‍tthoonaaya (മേല്‍ത്തൂണായ)
Noun Praasaadaagram (പ്രാസാദാഗ്രം)
Pinnacled definition
(architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower
the highest level or degree attainable
Ex: 4 his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty
(mathematics) a lofty peak
raise on or as if on a pinnacle
Ex: 4 He did not want to be pinnacled
set on or as if on a pinnacle
Ex: pinnacle a pediment
Related wordsPinnacled - Mel‍tthoonaaya (മേല്‍ത്തൂണായ)
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